I just picked up the Spring issue of Edible Marin & Wine Country Magazine and it is beautiful! It has me excited about all of those great ingredients that have started trickling into the markets. Some things have begun, such as asparagus, spring garlic & strawberries, while others are enticingly close (think english peas & fava beans).
I chose this publication in which to place my first advertisement and I could not be happier with how it turned out. The magazine and the way I cook and shop could not be more in tandem and I fully expect it to help me reach the audience I am after.
Here is the ad:
If you are not familiar with this magazine (or any of the Edible Communities publications) do yourself a favor and add it to your reading list.
Edible Marin & Wine Country was started by Gibson Thomas who I have gotten to know a bit through the process of getting the ad ready for the magazine. She is very talented, very driven and very supportive of community, its artisans and the relationships that help connect them.
You can help support what she is doing by becoming a regular reader of the magazine and help the cause (and your own well-being) by supporting your local farmers markets and the hard working folks who sell their fruits, vegetables, meats, cheeses, dairy, breads, crafts and so much more.
See you at the market!