Thursday, January 28, 2010

My Beloved Knives, Part 3

Friedr. Dick

(8 1/2 inch blade)

Ok, so it's not the most macho chef thing to have your name engraved on your knives, but let me explain.  This is one of my culinary school issue knives, the same one everyone at the school has...need I say more?  This is a heavy, thick, sturdy German knife.  No longer my style (...future post...) but it still gets some use in my kitchen.  This one comes out when I need to halve a large winter squash (if you've ever tried cutting a kabocha, you will know what I mean) or filet a whole salmon where my more delicate Japanese knife might get dinged.  When my family and I were in Venice one of the vendors at the Rialto Market was using a saw very much like this one...

to cut these kabochas (photo credit to my sister, Robin...go Robs!)...

1 comment:

  1. The saw...oh my gosh...I had a total flashback seeing that saw...Winter 1986-1987, negative temperatures, I was an exchange student in Norway to a tiny town about 100 miles north of the Arctic Circle. The school was called Erikstaad Vidergaende Skole and specialized in home economics, i.e. the Home Cook (or housewife, as they teased me then). I was in the institutional kitchen learning how to butcher pork (let's be real, it was a PIG, complete with snout and dainty little pig hooves). The teacher gave me the "honor" of helping saw the pork/PIG in half down the spine. A kabochas ain't got nuthin' on a pig when it comes to sawin'. Yeehaw.
